A montrice is a woman who is skilled in doing clinical assessments for a woman in labor. She does not deliver the baby but is skilled in assessing fetal heart tones. a woman's dilation, and other vital signs. She is able to assess these things while a woman is laboring at home before going to the hospital or calling her primary midwife for her birth. A montrice does these assessments in order to make sure both mom and baby are coping well with labor. Doulas are not allowed to do these assessments according to their certification guidelines. Many times a montrice is a midwife or student midwife skilled and trained in taking care of mom and baby in this way. After going to the hospital, her role becomes one of a doula since the hospital begins doing these clinical assessments. She then provides continuity of care, labor coaching to the woman and her support person, and creates an easy transition into the hospital or into her planned home birth setting. . Many families feel more comfortable with a skilled montrice since she is able to make these assessments while at home on both mom and baby. We are happy to have charges compatible for doulas in our area. .
What Do Doulas Do?
We believe that pregnancy and childbirth are natural experiences. A doula is a woman experienced in childbirth who provides advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth. It's like having a good friend that knows a lot about birth! A doula’s expertise is in offering comfort and reassurance. Her presence helps a laboring woman to feel safe and confident and helps the father to know how to assist her. Help with comfort measures and positioning means the mother’s partner can play an active support role in the labor and birth with confidence. Research shows that women who have a doula present at their birth have fewer interventions. Education and preparation will help you make this special event a positive experience for you and your family. We will support you however you decide to birth your baby, whether in the hospital, at home, with medication, or naturally.