Our Support Team
Lizzy Carroll
Bethany Fenlason
Bethany joined our team as a student midwife in 2019. She became a doula in 2014 after the birth of her youngest child, because she is passionate about helping mothers and families feel supported in the birth process and to know their options. She fell in love with midwifery care when she successfully achieved her first VBAC with Deidre as her midwife! Together, her and her husband, Aaron, have 5 children ages 23 to 7 years old. He serves with a missions organization focusing on Bible translation and they enjoy traveling together to Southeast Asia, his area of focus, when possible. She answered the call to midwifery training with a desire to use her skills to serve on the mission field when that time comes. She feels privileged to apprentice with the midwives at WBA as she learns what it means to be a midwife that serves with faith and love.
Birth Doula- Childbirth International
Trained Postpartum Doula-Childbirth International
Postpartum Doula-ProDoula
Spinning Babies
Childbirth Educator
Neonatal Resuscitation
Birth Doula- Childbirth International
Trained Postpartum Doula-Childbirth International
Postpartum Doula-ProDoula
Spinning Babies
Childbirth Educator
Neonatal Resuscitation